Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center

KIFE Matchmaking System

What is Matchmaking?

Matchmaking makes it easy for buyers to contact, email and arrange at-show appointments with you by providing quick links within recommendations emails and in the show planner.

Recommendations point buyers to booths resulting in more business, more efficient time at-show for visitors, no extra cost to you or visitors, more satisfied customers for the show.


Why Matchmaking?

At-show customer insight has shown that

Buyers are positive about, and place value in, a program that matches them with exhibitors

Buyers like & appreciate recommendations steering them in the right direction

Buyers said targeted recommendations helped them to be more efficient with their time at-show

Buyers said targeted recommendations helped them have more and higher quality meetings than they anticipated

Buyers said targeted recommendations helped them find and meet new exhibitors


How to participate in Matchmaking?

Only signed exhibitors are provided with matchmaking service. You can influence the likelihood and precision you’ll be included in a recommendation communication to buyers by fully & accurately completing the additional company profile information and product information.